Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hand holding

Hand Holding

Palm Facing Down
If your palm is facing down, you are taking the lead in the relationship right now. In this case, your wrist crosses in front of your partner’s. If you are feeling more dominant in the moment, you are likely to choose this hand-holding style.
The next time you plan date night, notice the way you’re holding hands. Body language experts agree that your palm is most likely to be facing down because you feel in control and confident.
If you notice that your palm is consistently facing down, it may be a sign that you naturally take a dominant role in relationships.
Fingers Intertwined
If your fingers are intertwined, you are feeling emotionally and physically connected as a couple. In this case, your fingers should be interlocked. If you are feeling completely in sync, you are likely to choose this hand-holding style.
Body language experts claim that this hand-holding style is more common at the end of a date than at the beginning. After a romantic evening or gesture, it is quite likely that your fingers will be intertwined to demonstrate your closer connection.
If you notice that your fingers are consistently intertwined, it may be a sign that this relationship is going to go the distance.
Loosely Connected
If your fingers are loosely connected, you are feeling emotionally distant as a couple. In this case, you are connected by only a few fingers and your bodies are separated by a sizable gap. If you are feeling trapped by the relationship or more independent, you are likely to go with this hand-holding style.
This hand-holding style is most common shortly after or before a fight. You are feeling more casual about the relationship and need some space.
If you notice that your fingers are consistently loosely connected, it may be a sign that a fight or breakup is coming your way.

“I love holding hands. I love holding hands with a boyfriend because it's such a sincerely and sweet gesture. I interlock fingers. But I also hold hands with my close friends. I just like the way peoples' hands fit together with mine. It's like a puzzle piece. It's a way to connect with someone else in public. You should see the looks I get when I hold hands with my roommate at FSU. We get looks and stares (it's a conservative college) and people have asked me if I'm straight. I just laugh. Since when do you have to only hold hands with the opposite gender? Wow I wrote a lot. Mostly, I just love holding ha 

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