Saturday, April 27, 2013

Mask - 3 -

Many thanks to International Illustrator/Comic creator Olivier Tallec for his presence and his presentation at MICA, April 25th 2013.
And lots of thanks for all the beautiful work done by
  Luis Arboleda, Autumn Bartels, Stephanie Briscoe, Sarah Sioux, Julia Coccia, Evee Arb, Audrey Estok, Kaiqi Gao, Melissa Hcker, Chanmi Jun, Joy Kim, Allison Mackey, Acacia Matheson, Conoor Rensimer, Lauren Sessa, Yehee Shin, Harriet Sussman and Anne Wilsey,  
 along this Spring'13 semester!
Le monde de l'Illustration a encore un bel avenir devant lui!

Tree Nymph Mask

The Ugly Mermaid

Masks - 1 -

Mask by Harriet Sussman
Mask by Autumn Bartels
Mask by Audrey Estok

Masks - 2 -

Mask by Julia Coccia

Masks by Connor Rensimer , Autumn Bartels, Harriet Sussman, Melissa Hecker, Acacia Matheson,  Alisson Mackey, Evee Erb, Audrey Estok and Sarah Sioux. 
Mask by Evee Erb
Masks by Harriet Sussman and Evee Erb
Mask by Connor Rensimer
Left to right:
Evee Erb, Connor Rensimer, Audrey Estok and Harriet Sussman.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mask - Evee Erb

this is the mold that I made out of clay. After sculpting it, I covered it with several layers of paper maché. 

My mask was inspired by traditional Balinese masks, which are all very scary/creepy looking but are beautiful and very detailed. My design initially started out as a deer, but as I continued to make the mask it sort of transformed into a bat form, which I think is fitting because just like these masks, bats are creepy yet beautiful. I then began to think about a character who lived as a bird by day, and then transformed into a bat at sunset. Its difficult to see in the photos, but there are feathers painted on the jawline of the mask. I was thinking that just as birds are analogous to the daytime, bats are analogous to the nighttime, yet are not considered to be as graceful or majestic as birds even though they support a large portion of our ecosystem.